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Airport security comprises cameras, network components, software from various vendors, servers, and storage systems. These systems’ minor and major failures can impact situational awareness in diverse ways. Any loss of situational awareness at an airport risks public safety and is unacceptable. Our solutions offer cause-agnostic failure detection and rapid mitigation for many failures, making us a compelling choice for integration into Milestone XProtect airport deployments.
Public safety demands high availability situational awareness. Our quick and seamless video recovery ensures minimal video loss.
Airports utilize a range of software systems supplied by various vendors, many of which rely heavily on video data. Our Rest API offers a platform for these vendors to capitalize on redundant video, thereby elevating their services. Notably, vendors specializing in Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) have successfully integrated with our solutions.
In airports, where camera densities are incredibly high, managing camera redundancy becomes a paramount task. We offer tools designed to simplify this process, thereby making IT administrators' efforts more efficient.
Siloed data often results from a redundant infrastructure. Our robust synchronization tools streamline the process, simplifying your information management tasks.
Our support for Federated Architectures enables sites to take a redundant site completely offline during software or hardware updates, without impacting situational awareness. This allows administrators to compartmentalize the update process, limiting the impact of human mistakes.
Our customers value our 24/7 swift support, taking comfort in the knowledge that we're always available whenever they require assistance.